Please mark your calendar, and set an alert on your phone for Monday, April 5th from 2:30-4:00 pm!
We are so excited to announce that we are having an Italian Ice special event in honor of Autism Awareness Month! Thank you so much to One of a Kind Lawn Maintenance, who is so generously sponsoring this delicious event with Tom and Dee’s Italian Ice!!
All autism superheroes, and their family and friends are invited as well as Ice Cream Buddies Club members!
If your child or teen would like to become an ice cream buddy to an autism superhero, please stop by for an Italian Ice, and meet our club leaders at Xanadu Behavior Therapy.
Have a question about autism? Please stop by for a treat to ask one of our BCBAs. We are not trying to sell anyone our services. We are strengthening autism awareness and acceptance in our Ocean County community.
Thank you so much again, One of a Kind Lawn Maintenance! We appreciate your support to autism superheroes so much!!
*Registration is required due to Covid-19. Please call 609-242-3322 to book your family’s time slot today!
Xanadu Behavior Therapy is located across from the post office on Lacey Rd. in the Cobblestones Plaza.