About Us

Xanadu Behavior Therapy

A private agency that provides communication, behavioral, and social skills to children with autism and related disorders throughout Ocean and Monmouth counties in New Jersey. We utilize principles of behavior within the science of applied behavior analysis (ABA) to help expand the behavioral repertoires of the children we serve.

Xanadu continues to operate forty-eight weeks a year.

Our Office

Due to COVID-19, we now also provide on-site services to families residing in Ocean and Monmouth Counties.

Our Mission

The word “xanadu” means the doorway to utopia, or a better world. Our mission is to help each child realize his or her full potential, and become more independent in his or her daily life. We teach the child and the family. We not only implement the principles of behavior during teaching sessions, but we also help the family incorporate these principles into everyday routines to reinforce appropriate behavior.

Things We Help With

Problem Behavior
  • Self-injury (hurting self- head banging; biting self; pinching/scratching self; etc.)
  • Aggression (hurting others- hitting; punching; biting; property destruction; etc)
  • Non-compliance (accepting no/wait/stop; following directions; etc)
  • Off-task (attending skills; task completion; etc)
Functional Life Skills
  • Toileting
  • Dressing
  • Self-feeding
  • Personal hygiene
  • Requesting (for items; for actions; for attention; for help; etc)
  • Labeling (items; familiar peoples; adjectives; using sentences; etc)
  • Conversation skills (fill-ins; answering social questions; answering Wh- questions; etc)
  • Receptive skills
  • Motor skills
Social Skills
  • Turn taking
  • Waiting
  • Conversing
  • Peer interaction
  • Board games
  • Relationships
Things We Don't Help With
  • Adults older than 21
  • Individuals without an autism diagnosis (unless via NJDOE or private pay)
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Psychosis
  • Mental illness
  • Behaviors requiring restraints

Creation of Xanadu

Xanadu Behavior Therapy was created by
Stacie Groeling in February, 1999.

A Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), Ms. Groeling possesses a Master of Science in Education (M.S. Ed.) degree in Applied Behavior Analysis from Temple University. She has co-authored chapters for various autism textbooks, and has presented at many autism- and behavior-related workshops, trainings, and conferences throughout New Jersey.

Because she focuses much of her time teaching others the correct implementation of ABA interventions, Ms. Groeling’s research specifically focuses on staff training models and competency in delivering behavior-analytic interventions. A dually-certified elementary and special education teacher in New Jersey, Ms. Groeling decided to take the skills gained from her public school experiences and create a private agency that focuses on the importance of functional learning, social behavior, and family training.

Our Clients


How Can We Help?