Focused ABA
Focused ABA is typically provided during after-school hours, and is limited in frequency (less than ten hours per week) and/or intensity (targeting highly-intensive skill areas such as self-injury or toileting, or specific skill areas such as communication or social skills).

Comprehensive ABA
Comprehensive ABA is typically provided during school hours, either in-home or on-site at Xanadu. Increased frequency (10 hours or more per week) and duration (max session length of three hours) occur during this service. Related services such as speech, OT, and/or counseling will also be included within this service type once offered.
If you would like to inquire about ABA services, please complete this inquiry form.

Family Training
Individual Family Training: Ongoing training is offered to provide families with information and resources related to ABA, behavioral principles and procedures, and/or autism. This service also presents families with an opportunity to partake in hands-on training to learn how to prompt, shadow, and/or reinforce their child’s behavior with the assistance of a trained professional. Family training is not limited to parents: it is intended for all family members. This includes siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, babysitters, and sometimes even neighbors and friends! Family involvement is essential to increasing every child’s ability to succeed in life. This service is provided in-home and on-site at Xanadu.
Group Family Training: Provided on-site at Xanadu, or via telehealth. This unique service allows for several families to support one another during monthly group meetings. Each month, a different ABA-based topic is presented by a Xanadu BCBA. Families are provided an opportunity to discuss shared experiences with one another.
If you are interested in receiving family training, please complete our inquiry form.
Social Skills Groups
Xanadu offers social groups to children and adolescents who need assistance with demonstrating appropriate social behavior. Groups are limited to six participants, and each group meets once per week. Groups are scheduled throughout the year. Early registration is encouraged, as these groups fill up quickly!
Cost is $200 per month. We accept most major insurance plans (however, insurance only covers this service for children with a diagnosis of ASD). Groups are divided by chronological age as follows: 5yo-8yo; 8yo-11yo; 11yo-15yo; 15yo-18yo; 18yo-21yo. All groups are 90 minutes and take place on-site at Xanadu on Lacey Road. Masks are required as per CDC guidelines. Please fill out our enrollment form to sign up!
Xanadu is also excited to announce our new Ice Cream Buddies Club program, where children of all abilities buddy up to create ice cream fun while socializing! Classes include a pint of ice cream that your child decorates and takes home to share with the family. If your child would like to become an ice cream buddy, please contact us at 609-242-3322 or complete the enrollment form below. Space is limited to a max of three children ages 8 and up per class following all CDC guidelines (social distancing, masks, and temperature checks are required). Classes are 90 minutes and take place on-site at Xanadu on Lacey Road. Call us for more info!
If you are interested in participating in any of our social groups, please fill out our enrollment form.